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Register For May 5th Education Event

Please join participants from a broad section of the Greater Rochester community on May 5, 2015 to build consensus around action steps to reduce the concentration of poverty in the Rochester city schools. The GS4A Coalition is looking for partners in progress as we build on work begun at our November 2014 conference, and continued by six working groups formed to develop possible responses to the crisis of high poverty schools.

When:  Tuesday, May 5, 2015 from 8am-12:30pm

141 Adams Street

Rochester, NY  14608

Cost: None

Event Schedule:

8:00am Registration and Refreshments

8:30amWelcome and Review of Progress to Date

9:00am Working Group Reports and Recommendations

10:30am Break

10:45am Break-out Groups for Feedback and Responses

12:00pm Summary and Next Steps

12:30pm Adjourn

Questions: Email or call Lynette Sparks or John Wilkinson at 585-271-6513.

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